Nana I love you with all my heart, forever and ever :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Written like the mind wanders... ???

It's the weekend. GDD picked her up around 10 am this morning.
GS is still at his GSD back Monday.

GP and Nana went looking for bunk beds today... I cried in Costco today as we were getting supplies for the kids. I just can't take it... I am not upset that I am taking them in, not at all... I am upset with her that she can just throw them away like this.. Oh She says she is going to make money and get a home for them...but she aint'... i know that... She is gonna do what this boyfriend says and throw everything away... Drugs are not involved in this scenario either.... Pot yes, but not that other crap... at least not yet... I don't understand how this happens..You see it in the news all the time... At least Thank God she didn't go out and kill them or anything. The Stress younger people have now a days is scary... I mean yeah we had stress but not like this..

My Grandparents always took us grandkids in when our parents would have a hard time. But, our parents were there also. They didn't just leave us like this, claiming they would make money and get a home for us.. There is no way she can do that. No college education. Everything she does, she never finishes...There is a break in her head I think, in her heart... Sociopath almost... I can't help her. She is 28, I can't throw her in the nutt house...If I could I would have but it's not possible..There are laws against that...  She can't even hold down a job. She gets in fights with people... usually a job last's about 3 weeks until someone pisses her off... She couldn't even finish her sophomore year... yeah she did get her GED...

GD 3 years old  says to me today... "Nana, I love you, I will be back"

she is so precious...

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