Nana I love you with all my heart, forever and ever :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

So long Mom

So she left to the Metro today... Didn't seem to phase her except that she couldn't wait to leave... Don't understand it. How could you leave your babies? How could you rip their hearts apart? Well, Dear Daughter hope you find what your looking for and don't find yourself waking up dead. Since ya like the big city so much.

On with life..............

Grandson went to visit with his dad this weekend. I really hope that goes well. He currently has an ear infection that has Staph and Strep in it.. Geesh it is a mess. I informed the Dad that we are getting in trouble for saying things like "hey butthead"... Yes, he says that... Nana don't like it.

No school on Monday, but Tuesday will start up a week of preschool. They are wanting to test him to see if he is ready for school. I think he isn't but that is what I am hoping preschool will do for him

Grand Daughter was so sweet today playing with her brother. It's me and her tonight. Grandpa is busy with other things. My friend offered some clothes up if she comes across some good used ones. So I need to get the sizes to her.

Yes, I am still scared... But it is life.. I know longer feel as if I am babysitting... Strange deal.. Better make sure I get the custody matter handled... Don't want these babies ripped from our hearts and nor theirs. I love them deeply.

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