Nana I love you with all my heart, forever and ever :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Once Upon A time....

It Started the day of their births... but it really truly starts today. I have enrolled both grandkids in preschool. We will start with this... a 3 year old and a 5 year old.... 1 mother 2 fathers...and a set of grandparents whom know about responsibility.

The Mother a 27 year old, doing the selfless thing she calls it.... letting go of her kids cause she claims she can't make it financially. A 24 year old boy friend that just happens to live off his parents in a metro city. The Mother is from a small town... she is telling everyone she can't survive so she want's to separate the kids and send them on their merry way with their fathers. She had everything givin to her... Hudd, food stamps, child support, wic,.... a grandmother's paycheck.... well, you could say she has been enabled to continue her selfish ways. I fought with myself about what to do. How do I make this right.... Well, the insane thing I am doing because that is what grandparents do......Raising them... While the mother goes to the Metro to get a job flipping burgers and living with the boyfriend and supposedly going to get her stuff together so she can take care of them could say I have stepped into reality and she has stepped into insanity....

3 year old "Nana, can I come live with you?"..... ah come on...What 3 three year old is worried about where they are going to live? Well, this one is.... What a feeling of security she must feel from her parents...nope she is smart she knows it ain't secure with them nutts. I am so disappointed in the Mother...Argh and the father whom were just the turns of the night... and then hung out for less than amounts.


  1. It's not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination but if there's anyone that can do it and do it right then I know it's you. And those grandbabies of yours are going to know exactly who it was that stepped in and took over and made their lives better when their own mother couldn't seem to get her act together.

    God bless you and those two little lives that you've taken in. And just remember - try real hard not to lose your sense of humor!!

  2. ah thanks Linda your words and thought's and good vibes help me... I will never ever lose my sense of humor.....unless of course I wake up dead or something....ha ha

  3. You are doing the right thing. In the next life you will have no regrets. You are not alone, you have us Junkies, you have family, you have God.

    My peanut is a bit smaller than B, but if you need anything I might have or can get ot help, please do not hesitate to ask. I am great at finding coupons and love to shop for kids clothes at yard sales and such. Please ask if you need anything!!!

  4. You are doing the right thing, SuperNana.
    We ♥ you and admire what you're doing.

  5. thanks you guys. I need this as an outlet to survive...
